QualificaProfessore Associato
Settore Scientifico DisciplinarePHYS-04/A
IndirizzoVia della Vasca Navale 84
  • Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Altre informazioniSito web personale
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Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico

Contributo in Rivista

  • Glassy dynamics of water in TIP4P/Ice aqueous solutions of trehalose in comparison with the bulk phase, LUPI, LAURA; GALLO, PAOLA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_102903-1 Dettaglio
  • Hydration Dynamics of Model Peptides with Different Hydrophobic Character, LUPI, LAURA; SASSI, PAOLO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_11323-2 Dettaglio
  • Dynamical crossover and its connection to the Widom line in supercooled TIP4P/Ice water, LUPI, LAURA; VAZQUEZ RAMIREZ, BENJAMIN; GALLO, PAOLA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_131073-3 Dettaglio
  • Slow dynamics of supercooled trehalose hydration water in comparison with bulk water, IORIO, ANTONIO; LUPI, LAURA; CAMISASCA, GAIA; GALLO, PAOLA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_113142-4 Dettaglio
  • Following the nucleation pathway from disordered liquid to gyroid mesophase, LUPI, LAURA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_11645-5 Dettaglio
  • Is Water at the Graphite Interface Vapor-like or Ice-like?, LUPI, LAURA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_136767-6 Dettaglio
  • Reaction Coordinate for Ice Crystallization on a Soft Surface, LUPI, LAURA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_109120-7 Dettaglio
  • Aqueous solvation of amphiphilic molecules by extended depolarized light scattering: the case of trimethylamine-N-oxide, LUPI, LAURA; SASSI, PAOLO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_1291-8 Dettaglio
  • Hydrophobic Hydration in Water-tert-Butyl Alcohol Solutions by Extended Depolarized Light Scattering, LUPI, LAURA; SASSI, PAOLO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_161536-9 Dettaglio
  • Does hydrophilicity of carbon particles improve their ice nucleation ability?, LUPI, LAURA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_173949-10 Dettaglio
  • Heterogeneous nucleation of ice on carbon surfaces, LUPI, LAURA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_2116-11 Dettaglio
  • Vapor deposition of water on graphitic surfaces: formation of amorphous ice, bilayer ice, ice I, and liquid water, LUPI, LAURA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_191131-12 Dettaglio
  • More Is Different: Experimental Results on the Effect of Biomolecules on the Dynamics of Hydration Water, LUPI, LAURA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_58846-13 Dettaglio
  • Dynamics of biological water: insights from molecular modeling of light scattering in aqueous trehalose solutions, LUPI, LAURA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_102366-14 Dettaglio
  • Hydration and aggregation in mono- and disaccharide aqueous solutions by gigahertz-to-terahertz light scattering and molecular dynamics simulations, LUPI, LAURA; SASSI, PAOLO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_49475-15 Dettaglio
  • Hydration properties of small hydrophobic molecules by Brillouin light scattering, LUPI, LAURA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_73851-16 Dettaglio
  • Reversible and irreversible denaturation processes in globular proteins: from collective to molecular spectroscopic analysis, LUPI, LAURA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_14566-17 Dettaglio
  • Hydrogen bonding dynamics of cyclodextrin-water solutions by depolarized light scattering, LUPI, LAURA; CAPONI, SANTOSH, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_165963-18 Dettaglio
  • Hydrophobic hydration of tert-butyl alcohol studied by Brillouin light and inelastic ultraviolet scattering, LUPI, LAURA; MASCIOVECCHIO, CLAUDIO; SASSI, PAOLO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_152425-19 Dettaglio
  • Broadband depolarized light scattering study of diluted protein aqueous solutions, LUPI, LAURA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_47373-20 Dettaglio
  • Vibrational Properties of Cyclodextrin–Water Solutions Investigated by Low-Frequency Raman Scattering: Temperature and Concentration Effects, LUPI, LAURA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_102863-21 Dettaglio


  • Link identifier #identifier_person_122116-22Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • Link identifier #identifier_person_18481-23Dettaglio