Colloquium di Matematica

Il giorno 2 dicembre 2024 alle ore 16.00, in aula M2, il prof. Jarod Alper (University of Washington) terrà il prossimo Colloquium di Matematica dal titolo "Embracing AI and Formalization: Experimenting with tomorrow's mathematical tools".

Abstract: You've heard the buzz: AI and formalization will revolutionize mathematics. Computers will soon surpass humans in solving olympiad-style problems. Humans will transition from proving research-level theorems on their own to guiding computers. And maybe you even believe the hype. Other than pulling out your hair waiting for the day when computers take your job, what can you do? If you are like most career mathematicians, you are already overwhelmed with too many academic responsibilities, reserving any precious spare work hours for research. Where are you going to find the time to learn Lean or machine learning techniques?
While I don't have the answers, I can share how I have embraced the potential of AI and formalization in mathematics through the eXperimental Lean Lab (XLL) at the University of Washington. I hope to inspire you to also get involved and play an active role in guiding the transformation of our field.

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