Laboratorio di Azionamenti Elettrici ed Elettronica di Potenza

  • Responsabile: Fabio Crescimbini
  • Sito web del Gruppo di Ricerca
  • Sito web del Laboratorio

The Center for Power Electronics and Drives (C-PED) is of very recent institution. The core founder members are from the Institutions University of Roma Tre – Italy and the University of Rome Tor Vergata – Italy. The C-PED is open to affiliations of members from different national and international Institutions.

The Centre is intended to be an internationally recognized provider of world-leading, underpinning power electronics and drives research, combining high level academic talent in the international context. Its activities focus on sustaining and growing power electronics and drives innovation by delivering transformative and exploitable new technologies, highly skilled people and by providing long-term strategic value to the industry in the field.

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Guglielmo Mizzoni 06 Giugno 2024